Tuesday, March 3, 2009

His Tapestry

Imagine, if you will, each of us were a piece of yarn. Each one is different: bright and dark colors, browns and golds, blues and greens, blacks and grays, reds and oranges. There are various textures too. Thin, smooth strands, others coarse and knotted, some thready and wiry. Some are judged by us to be stretched beyond their usefulness. But God has of them all in a basket, ready to be used in what I’d like to call His tapestry.
His tapestry is endless. The yarn He uses is woven up and over, under and through, completely intermingling each strand with the others. Sometimes a piece is so knotted that He has to work it out with his gracious hand so that it too may be used in His grand masterpiece. There may also be another piece that so stretched that it needs time to rest. This one God may put tenderly to the side, but He will eventually pick it up again as the tapestry progresses. There may be other pieces that are snarled and cause other threads to become knotted with it. Without blinking, God takes those pieces, and carefully detangles them. He smoothes out the rough parts and merges them into His work.
There are never any holes or missed stitches, because it is done by Him. Each of the pieces of yarn, even the thinnest, tiniest piece is part of His tapestry held together by other pieces. It’s part of what He is using to build His Grand Masterpiece. He has put His love and faith into each piece to hold fast and never let go of what has been stitched before.
In our walk with God, we, like those pieces of thread, will meet and have woven into our lives, other believers that may affect us in powerful ways. Each of us has a purpose that we may not seek right away, but have to trust and have faith that God will deliver us in the way He wants us to be. There will be some that will cause us to stumble and if we are not careful, become unraveled. And as in creating His tapestry, He will correct what needs to be corrected. He will work through the situation like the Master Weaver works each thread up and over, under and through, as we continue to move forward and build His kingdom. There are others that will be there through thick and thin, supporting us as we continue our walk. Wherever we are in our walk, loving and supporting one another will help us move further and keep on track as we keep walking in faith and the same love that He has for us. Eventually we all have to keep moving in our own path God has planned for each of us until we finally are at the end of that road and we are standing before Him as part of His kingdom in Heaven. Then the fullness and beauty of His tapestry will be revealed.
Written By Me
Edited by Kathy (His Pure Garden)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Being Hungry

Sitting here and claiming my healing from a stomach virus, I wonder why everything I try to eat or drink wants to immediately leave my body. What’s amazing is that no matter how much leaves my body, I still crave foods like chocolate, pancakes, and other sweets. It’s simply because I’m hungry and craving what’s not good for me right now. My body is purging what it does not want, and hopefully is retaining some of the nutrients it needs from the clear broth, dry toast and lots of water and decaffeinated teas I’ve been forcing. (Yum!) Still, I’m wanting those not so healthy things, but I can barely keep the good things down.
I wonder if my walk with God is similar with the spiritual food I receive. Does my soul purge the wrong things I’m fed from the world over the good things of God so I grow healthier in Him? Or does my soul have the potential to have a virus as well? Does the “food” that I received from God have the potential to leave my heart and my soul wanting more nutrients than I have been putting in?
Lately, I’ve been finding myself increasingly hungry for His Word. I find myself constantly looking for words or works that I can apply to my life’s challenges and to the pursuit of my dreams. It’s like standing in front of the refrigerator wondering what I can eat that will not adversely affect my present situation and yet will be satisfying to my cravings. I’ve been turning away virtually everything in the fridge and turning to the cabinets to see what’s in there, looking for what can satisfy my cravings. And spiritually, I find myself trying to make sense of why the deepest desires of my heart have not been realized. We have been taught that, “God has a plan for us” and “We know not what each day will bring”. But they bring further questions instead of answers for me.
At doctor’s office, I was told that I had become so dehydrated that if it continued, it could cause kidney failure and other things that I choose not to claim. What I choose to claim is the realization of my dreams, such as being married, having children, and a job that I really would enjoy for the rest of my life. But above all those things and more importantly, I have the desire of having a walk with God that cannot be shaken.
God says that all I have to do is to knock, ask, and seek Him with all my heart. But He also says that there is more that I need to do to make sure that I have my desires. In the same way that the doctor said that this virus has attacked my body and I must be mindful of what I eat and drink, in the spirit, I must also watch my spiritual diet. I need the right nourishment for my heart and soul, which means that His Word must be the foundation of everything I do. Feeding my heart and soul with the right diet has become a commitment to me. But sometimes the negative things I have consumed in an attempt to satisfy the flesh cause a “virus” to infect my spirit and distract me from my walk with God. The realization becomes clear when I step outside myself and see that bratty, starved child that wants it all now, wanting to know why the things I so desire have not come to pass rears her ugly head. I have to ask God for His forgiveness and to purge the “virus” that has infected my heart and soul. By I need to get back into His Word and listen to the leading of the Spirit. Digesting it and using it as the fuel for my walk with Him helps me make sense of what the purpose is for my life. In so many ways this leads me to understand why I’m constantly hungry. I think to be full is not an option. I can never be too full. This kind of hunger is healthy and God imposed. I want to always be so hungry for His Word. The other kind of hungry, you know for the sweets, and those things that are not good for me, no matter how good they taste and satisfy a craving... not so much.